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Introducing: Frieden-fragen.de – War and peace explained in a child-friendly way

2 minutes reading time
6-17 years
Tool description
Schriftzug und Logo Frieden Fragen

On the children’s portal Frieden-fragen.de, questions about war, conflict, violence and peace are explained in a child-friendly way. Children can find age-appropriate information and individual answers to their questions. This enables a sensitive approach to difficult topics.

In a nutshell:

  • Information service for children between the ages of 10 and 14
  • Age-appropriate information, videos, pictures and stories about war, peace, conflict and violence
  • Children’s questions on the topic are answered individually

What is Frieden-fragen.de?

War and peace, conflict and violence – these are topics that even younger children are concerned with. They often have many questions that are not so easy to answer. At Frieden-fragen.de, children’s questions are answered individually. The answers are sent to the children by e-mail (if specified) or published on the website. Answers to many questions asked by children can also be found on the website.

The Berghof Foundation / Friedenspädagogik Tübingen project also tackles difficult questions. Frieden-fragen.de describes its approach as being “based on the fundamental values of peace, justice and non-violence and the state of the art. Differences and controversies in politics and society are named and made visible.” The aim is to make connections recognizable and to provide children with knowledge about the background and coexistence of people and states.

In addition to the question portal and factual information, children will find various areas to browse through. There are stories from children and adults from all over the world to discover as well as pictures and videos to watch. The characters Sakina, Cody and Frieda accompany children through the site. Many difficult terms are explained in a child-friendly way in the lexicon.

The website also offers various hands-on activities for children. There are suggestions on how children can make their own contribution to peaceful coexistence, e.g. they can use the peace machine peace messages for classmates.
Teachers can find further background information and teaching materials in the adult section.

What should parents pay attention to?

The service provides information on wars in a sensitive and age-appropriate way. Nevertheless, topics relating to war and conflict can overwhelm, frighten or unsettle children. Many children have heard about current wars on social media, on television, in class or in the playground. Some are affected by the topic themselves, e.g. through relatives or their own experience of flight. Take your child’s concerns about these issues seriously and help them to find answers to their questions. You know your child best and can assess which media content they can cope with. It is best to take a look at the Frieden-fragen.de website together. Then you will immediately notice how your child reacts to the content and can support your child accordingly. Read more about war in the media or news for children and young people here.

Dieser Artikel ist Teil des Projekts „Eltern-Inspos zu Kinder-Partizipationsplattformen“, das im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „Kindgerechte digitale Angebote und Maßnahmen zur Orientierung“ der Bundeszentrale für Kinder- und Jugendmedienschutz (BzKJ) gefördert und in Zusammenarbeit von JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis und der Freiwilligen Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter (FSM e.V.) umgesetzt wird.

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